Caffeine Before Your Workout

Caffeine before a workout IS recommended to maximize your performance whether its on the field or on the elliptical. The timing and how much you should take is going to be the key player in all of it.

Benefits of Caffeine

Caffeine not only boosts your energy levels, but also helps to burn more calories during your workout. It can increase your endurance by 30% and your speed by by 2-5%, and for many of us that is a huge benefit. I don’t know about you, but during CrossFit workouts or grueling trail runs, I’ll take all the extra endurance and speed I can get.

Determining Your Amount

The amount of caffeine that can improve your performance depends on your bodyweight in KILOGRAMS. The recommended dosage is:

*3-6 milligrams of caffeine per 1 kilogram of bodyweight.

Lets determine your bodyweight in kilos. 1 lb. equals 0.45 kilos (or just divide 1 lb. / 2.2 to determine a kilogram).

Example: 150 lb. Athlete

150 lbs./ 2.2= 68 kilograms

3mg x 68 kg= 204 mg; 6mg x 68kg= 408 mg

This athlete would benefit from ingesting 200-400 mg of caffeine 30-60 minutes prior to their workout.

This is a GUIDELINE, meaning it’s not these exact numbers for everyone. Some people are extremely sensitive to caffeine and therefore should try small amounts first before jumping all in on the equation above.

Timing Your Dose

Studies have shown that 60 minutes before a workout is the sweet spot to get your caffeine intake. One particular study describes drinking 2-3 cups of coffee before a 30 minute HIIT workout can reduce the amount of muscle pain perceived. Again, this is what’s suggested. I’ve talked to people that found taking pre-workout/coffee 10 minutes before their workout does it best for them, and I myself found 45 minutes works. 2 hours though is too much of a time window.

Safety and Dosing

According to the FDA is is ok to take in 400mg of caffeine, which is the same as 4-5 cups of coffee. Be cautious with powdered pre-workouts and canned energy drinks because these not only contain caffeine, but also a “performance blend” that increases endurance, stamina, and can give you a tingling sensation sometimes. Seizures from caffeine overload of 1,200mg can occur, so make sure you’re checking with your MD first whether it’s safe for you to take caffeine for workouts and in general.


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